Training Strategic Internal Communication Skills

Pelatihan Strategic Internal Communication Skills


Studies show that the main road to success of any strategy begins with an effective implementation process that has as its basic foundation, a solid communication channel up and down the organization. This channel and physical process may be created by the initiatives founded by the strategic implementation design which feeds all the elements involved in making the strategic plan and its goals a success. 
This Strategic Internal Communication program was designed to assure that the vital elements that are the foundation to a successful strategic program are put into motion, and controlled.
This program will highlight:
  • The critical role of monitoring in the performance of programs and projects, in steering the implemenation process towards the intended results
  • Developing realistic program objectives and measures to determine outcomes for the strategic results
  • How to address the correspondence to the internal staff regarding who and why the organization is making necessary changes
  • Strengthens the organizations staff’s critical “buy-in” necessary when attempting to initiate stretch goals or new assignments


  • Assist the corporate staff in developing their goals in alignment with the corporate strategy and plan
  • Inform the staffs’ responsible for achieving their part of the strategic process what their participation in the outcomes needs to achieve
  • Helps to motivate the staff to innovate new business process ideas to achieve the goals set forth by the strategic plan
  • Reduces wasted initiatives, time and money by aligning every process in the implementation strategy to meet the time and budget outlays formed for the execution of the strategic plan
  • Help staff members deliver results to the forefront of their ongoing planning and reporting documents on a regular basis

Training Methodology

  • Case Studies on real life examples Good Communications Planning
  • Round table discussion groups to review and qualify the actual communications on-going or planned by members of the strategic execution team
  • Video references on examples of the skills necessary to achieve results
  • Presentation media on the steps to achieve Strategic Internal Communications
  • Open discussions on ideas and experiences with the participants

Organisational Impact

  • Maximizing the time, effort and expenses of implementing the strategic plan and goals of the organization
  • Fulfilling the requirements necessary to make the strategy work as planned.
  • Overcome the obstacles of employee buy-in defensive modes
  • Gain the collaboration of the teams that must work together to fulfill the objectives
  • Gain the motivational force necessary to keep the plans moving in a positive direction

Personal Impact

  • Helping staff learn to focus on the issues that deliver the maximum results to their on-going planning and hard work
  • Improving the communication skills that win over important stakeholder “buy-in” to improve their expectations to gain their power of influence
  • Reduce the risks of expending time, effort and money on initiatives that don’t align with the new strategy put forth by upper management
  • Creating high impact presentation and facilitation communication skills
  • Overcome the resistance from staff members for changes that are necessary for the positive outcomes for new initiatives

Who Should Attend?

  • Supervisors and Managers in the general business processes of any organization
  • Team Leaders who must manage both people and projects
  • Senior Managers who create and/or oversee vital parts of the strategic plan
  • Corporate Communication Personnel

Training Outline

The Essential Elements of a Strategy and Strategic Plan

  • The Strategic Journey – Common Frameworks for Strategic Planning
  • Developing the “Strategy Roadmap” and Communication Guide
  • Recognizing and Developing the need for Internal Communications
  • Understanding and Developing the Strategic Foundational Pillars of Communication
  • What can go wrong on the strategy map when internal communication fails to achieve its vital purpose?

Internal Communication Options and Technologies

  • Building Solid Communication Channels up and down
  • Developing the Strategic “Impact Statement” and Purpose
  • Defining the Tools and Framework for Internal Communications
  • Setting Clear Goals and Internal Communication Vertically and Horizontally
  • Leading and  Communicating across Multi-generational Workforce

Communicating in a Virtual Environment

  • Using Multiple Forms of Media for Distance Communications
  • Using Virtual Organization Tools for Calendar, Time and Media Management
  • Communicating across Multi-geographical Dispersed Resources
  • Online Virtual Coaching Performance
  • Conducting Virtual Meetings Effectively

Communicating Indicators of Change

  • The Dynamics of Change – Psychological and Physical Cycle
  • Dealing with the Psychological impact of Change
  • Making Impact Statements that Motivate and Inspire Performance
  • Communicating the Strategic Changes in a Positive Manner
  • Communicating the “Burning Platform” message of Change

Managing Effective Presentations & Meetings

  • Making an Effective Impact with Your Presentation
  • Styles of Communication and How and When Top Employ Them with Effect
  • Managing Self and Learn to Choose Positive Behaviors and Feelings during Your Key Moments                                    
  • Identify and Challenge the Distortions in Your Interpretations
  • Action Planning and Setting-up a Strategic Communication Plan

Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training ( Harga, Waktu dan Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Catatan :
Pelatihan ini dapat di-customized sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan Anda bila diselenggarakan dalam bentuk In-House Training. Untuk permintaan In-House Training dengan jenis topik lainya, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat email yang tercantum di web kami.
Request Training. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi pelatihan yang belum tercantum pada website ini, atau anda ingin memberikan usulan materi yang sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan perusahaan anda, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat emailyang tercantum.
Bila tidak ada tanggal dan waktu atau yang tercantum sudah kadaluarsa didalam artikel mohon tanyakan kepada kami untuk jadwal terbarunya.
Peserta bisa mengajukan Tanggal Pelatihan / Training selain yang tertera pada silabus penawaran.
Venue : di Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.  (dengan harga dan minimal kuota yang berbeda)
Info Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2019 , Informasi Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2020 , Jadwal training 2021 , Jadwal training 2022