Pelatihan Leadership and Decision – Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations
All leaders are sooner or later confronted with the need to lead and manage their team or organization during a crisis or emergency. The skills and competencies that are required to lead in these circumstances are much more demanding of the leader than normal everyday leadership.
Leaders have to make decisions quickly while accepting significant risk in order to achieve a favourable outcome for their organization, its members and clients, as well as the public it serves.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Improve the effectiveness of your reports, proposals, emails, letters and other communication
- Develop more efficient writing processes, improving project and time management
- Meet the needs of your readerships/audiences enabling them achieve their own objectives
- Develop your presentational skills and the techniques to enhance impact and effectiveness
- Deploy the right techniques, tools and skills for a wide variety of communications challenges
Psychology and Dynamics of Crises and Emergencies
- The nature of crises and emergencies
- Individual psychology under crisis and emergency conditions
- Collective psychology under crisis and emergency conditions
- Evolution and dynamics of crises and emergencies
- Crises and emergencies don’t just work 8 hour days
- Tasks of leaders before, during, and after a crisis or emergency
Rational Decision-Making in Crises and Emergencies
- Instinct, intuition, and reason
- Rational decision-making processes
- Individual and collective decision-making
- Delegation through mission-based leadership
- Nested hierarchical planning and operations
Leading Teams and Organizations
- Organizational and public responsibilities of leaders in crises and emergencies
- Crisis/emergency management organization
- Creating effective and efficient teams through rapid teambuilding
- Creating effective and efficient interagency cooperation and collaboration
- Organizational and team dynamics: morale, cohesion, mood, and unity of purpose
- Principles of operational command and leadership
Solving the Problem: Managing the Crisis or Emergency
- Seeking cause and effect to solve the problem, not to attribute blame or responsibility
- Creating and running a crisis/emergency command centre
- Elements of risk management: prevention, response, containment, and recovery
- Principles of business continuity and crisis operations
- Information gathering and situational awareness
- Operational rhythm, routines, and information management
Ethical Factors in Crisis and Emergency Leadership
- Caring for subordinates and their families
- The leader’s self-care
- Responsibilities to authorities, the public and/or victims
- Managing and leveraging the media
- After-action review and lessons learned processes
- Preparing for the next crisis or emergency
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training ( Harga, Waktu dan
Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Catatan :
Pelatihan ini dapat di-customized sesuai kebutuhan
perusahaan Anda bila diselenggarakan dalam bentuk In-House Training. Untuk
permintaan In-House Training dengan jenis topik lainya, silahkan mengirimkan ke
alamat email yang tercantum di web kami.
Request Training. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi pelatihan
yang belum tercantum pada website ini, atau anda ingin memberikan usulan materi
yang sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan perusahaan anda, silahkan mengirimkan ke
alamat emailyang tercantum.
Bila tidak ada tanggal dan waktu atau yang tercantum sudah
kadaluarsa didalam artikel mohon tanyakan kepada kami untuk jadwal terbarunya.
Peserta bisa mengajukan Tanggal Pelatihan / Training selain
yang tertera pada silabus penawaran.
Venue : di Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon,
Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin,
Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Timor Leste, Thailand,
Singapore ,
Kuala Lumpur. (dengan harga dan minimal
kuota yang berbeda)
Info Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2019 , Informasi
Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2020 , Jadwal training 2021 , Jadwal
training 2022.
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#bbmtraining #trainingbmg #ptborneobinamitra #providertrainingIndonesia #infoseminar
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