Training Automation Systems

Course Description

This course is designed to give the necessary information on automation systems and its elements in order to increase the efficiency of the manufacturing.

Course Objectives

  • Familiarizing with automation elements
  • Learning the methodology of automating manufacturing methods
  • Learning the selection methodology of automation elements
  • Understanding the service and maintenance requirements for automation systems

Who Should Attend?

  • Service personnel and managers
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Mechanical and electrical technicians 

Course Details/Schedule

  • Automation elements
  • Actuators
  • Motors
  • Drivers
  • Controllers
  • Sensors
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
  • Elements of the hydraulic and pneumatic systems
  • Design criteria
  • Selection procedure
  • Motors
  • DC Motors
  • Servo Motors
  • Stepper Motors
  • Electrical motor selection
  • DC motor drivers
  • Servo motor drivers
  • Stepper motor drivers
  • Motor driver selection
  • Controllers
  • Microcomputers
  • PLC
  • Sensors
  • Pressure, temperature, position and speed sensors