Training Marine Environment Protection

Course Description

Protection of the marine is very important for the continuation of life on our planet. The biggest threat to the
marine lives is human race as lots of chemicals and other non degradable materials are dumped or sea lives are killed and wasted. The echo on the planet is a disaster. This course put lights on these threats and how to protect marine lives.

Course Objectives

Gaining insight into:
  • Effects of changing natural habitants
  • Sensitivity of the Sea
  • Pollution of the Sea and its short and long term impacts
  • Toxics in the Sea; its sources and effects on lives
  • Marine environmental protection through developments
  • Climate change effects on marine echo system
  • US-EPA Marine protection & comparison to the international rules and regulations
  • The Baltic states and protection of the Sea
  • Oxygen depletion in the Sea
  • Marine environmental pollution & remediation
  • Oil spill, history, clean up & management

Who Should Attend?

  • Government environmental agency members
  • Operator company employees
  • Environment engineers
  • HSE engineers
  • Contractors
  • Service sectors that handle wastes
  • Companies whose work have direct impact on environment

Course Details/Schedule

  • What makes the sea sensitive
  • Effects of changing natural habitants
  • Land based nutrient input enteringsea
  • Direct atmospheric deposition
  • Nitrogen & Phosphorus, and their sources
  • Hazardous substances
  • Chemicals from industry
  • Movies
  • Loads from surrounding land
  • Chlorophyll concentration and its
  • affect on surrounding
  • Atmospheric forcing
  • Examples
  • Movies
  • Dioxin toxics and its sources
  • Effects of toxics on human health
  • Rules to implements for toxics free
  • environment
  • Analytical method and quality
  • assurance
  • movies
  • Reefs and Wetlands
  • Clean water act
  • Burial at Sea
  • Disposal of ships
  • Dredging management
  • Emergency dumping procedures
  • Fish consumption and wastes
  • Monitoring our Seas