Training API 653 Aboveground Storage Tank

Course Description

API Authorized Aboveground Storage Tank Inspectors must have a broad knowledge base relating to tank inspection and repair of aboveground storage tanks. This course helps the candidates to become an API 653 Authorized Inspector. 

Course Objectives

  • Effectively using major codes, API 650, 635 and ASME sections V & IX
  • Performing all tank calculations 
  • Using API’s requirements during inspection, repairs, and alterations of tanks
  • Reviewing welding procedures (WPS/PQR) and welder performance qualifications (WPQ)

Who Should Attend?

  • Quality Managers
  • Plant Engineer
  • Supervisors
  • Personnel involved in Above Ground Storage Tank Inspections

Course Details/Schedule

  • The reasons for inspecting tanks 
  • Inspector credentials
  • Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry
  • Visual inspection of welds, plates, and appurtenances
  • UT (Ultra-sonic Thickness) testing of shell courses, floor, and roof
  • Vacuum testing of all floor weld seams – unless epoxy coated
  • Identify bottom side corrosion on floors
  • Settlement Survey
  • Corrosion Rates And Inspection Intervals
  • Joint Efficiencies
  • Static Head
  • Internal Pressure
Pressure Testing
Impact Testing
Weld Size for Attachment Welds At Openings
  • Using API 650 & API 653
  • Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
  • Calculating Metal Loss
  • Performing Tank Calculation
  • Reviewing WPS’ & WPQ’s per ASME Sect IX
  • Using other miscellaneous Tank Codes
  • Welding Inspection and Metallurgy
  • Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks
  • Nondestructive Examination
  • Qualification Standard for Welding
  • Brazing and Fusion Procedures
  • Welders
  • Brazers
  • Welding
  • Brazing and Fusing Operators