Course Description
The Effective Teaching Certificate (ETC) program is designed to enhance teaching skills of faculty members and teaching staff creating a culture of continuous improvement in today’s complex and competitive higher education environments. The program consists of six interrelated workshops aiming to help participants in how to effectively teach their subjects. The workshops are expected to motivate faculty members and empower them with effective teaching skills through exploring recent scientific studies on teaching, learning, technology, thinking, motivation, and assessment. At the end of each workshop, participants will develop effective teaching materials to improve their teaching portfolio. The workshops are designed based on an holistic educational paradigm which promotes deep learning through the collaborative use of heart, head, and hands. The workshops are good for both new and experienced faculty members of any field.
Course Objectives
- Exploring essential theories, principles, and approaches of learning and teaching associated with effective teaching
- Developing effective student-centered instructional materials in line with the core curricular goals and objectives
- Reviewing and refining teaching portfolio and practice in line with pedagogical studies
- Enhancing core teaching skills and knowledge that have immediate application in the classroom
- Integrating effective use of instructional technology into teaching portfolio and practice
- Learning how to implement effective teaching methods which foster student learning
- Motivating students by understanding and using intrinsic and extrinsic motivation techniques
- Learning techniques and tips to enhance student engagement
Who Should Attend?
- Trainers
- Teachers
- Coordinators
- Supervisors
- HR staff
- Anyone who intends to sharpen their knowledge and and expertise in effective teaching strategies
Course Details/Schedule
- Creating a Positive Learning Environment
- Strategies for the promotion and maintenance of a positive climate of instruction
- Teaching and learning best practices
- Strategies to engage adult learners in a variety of diverse educational settings
- Various forms Learning Technology
- Using them create an effective learning environment
- Modeling the effective use of educational technology
- Preparing for Instruction
- Learning the foundation for designing instruction based on course learning outcomes
- Practicing working with a model of instruction
- Creating course outlines, instructional goals and objectives, learning outcomes and lesson plans
- Evaluation Techniques
- Elements in preparing evaluation
- Grading assignments
- Evaluating teaching strategies
- Factors that impact on student success
- Selecting specific methods in designing evaluation strategies
- Delivering Instruction
- Various teaching and learning techniques
- Develop your skills in giving and receiving constructive feedback
- Demonstration of instructional delivery