Course Description
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) involves a number of inspection techniques designed to detect discontinuities or defects in different types of materials. NDT is used in many fields, such as the aircraft industry, pipelines, nuclear reactors, automotive servicing and many others.
This course covers the fundamental NDT methods currently employed and instills particpants with the ability to assess factors affecting choice of methods to be utilized in relation to materials, defect type, position and other relevant parameters.
Course Objectives
- To understand the scope and applications of NDT
- To familiarize with the available methods
- To explain the basic principles of these methods
- To identify the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, both in application and defect detection capability
- To assess the best method to utilize given the conditions of different circumstances
Who Should Attend?
- Plant Engineers,
- Plant Surveyors & Inspectors
- Materials & corrosion engineers
- Those requiring a general foundation of Non-Destructive Testing and the various methods employed in this area.
Course Details/Schedule
- Introduction to Nondestructive Testing
- Visual and Demential Inspection
- Codes and Standards for Nondestructive Testing
- Radiation Safety
- NDT Radiographic testing
- Radiation Protection Supervisor
- Radiographic Interpretation - Principles & Applications
- Radiographic Interpretation - Metal Welds
- Radiographic Interpretation - Metal Castings
- Ultrasonic Corrosion and Erosion Monitoring
- Ultrasonic Testing - Thickness Measurement
- Ultrasonic Testing - Welds
- CSWIP Visual Inspector (Offshore)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Penetrant Testing
- Thermography
- Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD)
- Eddy Current Testing
- Advanced NDT Methods
- Vacuum, air & hydraulic leak testing
- Material evaluation, macro, hardness testing
- Choice of method according to materials, defect type and other relevant factors