Training Innovations in Workforce Planning, Organizational Development, Business Efficiency and Analysis

Pelatihan Innovations in Workforce Planning,  Organizational Development,  Business Efficiency and Analysis


Dramatic and significant improvement can best sum up what this international training course can offer. Also referred to as HR Analytics; this innovative and engaging Human Resource Management training program on Innovations in Workforce Planning, Organizational Development, Business Efficiency and Analysis will focus on what’s new, including the impact of artificial intelligence and what will produce a high level of results in any organisation.

The latest techniques and case studies will show how you can maximise your Human Resource and make the organisation very effectiveThe possible ROI after attending this Human Resource Management training program is immense. The skills and knowledge gained will be valuable to any organisation.
This training seminar will show you how to:
  • Use a strategic template to organise New Workforce Planning objectives and outcomes
  • Understand and be able to design structures in organisations using three templates
  • Use a new set of formulas that work and be able to show the right size of your organisation
  • Use trend and correlation information to produce predictive forecasts
  • Master the new approaches and innovations in succession planning, workflow design and Business Process Mapping


At the end of this training program delegates will be able to:
  • Assemble the key inputs to form a Strategic Workforce Plan
  • Analyse and be able to use the organisational change model to forecast organisational change and when restructuring is appropriate
  • Demonstrate and calculate using new formulas and be able to dispense with those old formulas that no longer add value
  • Interpret and be able to select form design models for the best organisation design
  • Apply new techniques for predictive forecasting using your existing data
  • Show and master the key new methods for succession planning, emergency planning, productivity management, workflow techniques and Business Process Re-Engineering techniques

Training Methodology

This is a very practical and hands on program. Many of the techniques and new focus of Workforce Management will be explained using recent case studies from Government, Shell, GOOGLE, Sysco, BMW, the financial market and oil industry. Working in teams throughout the week will enhance your enjoyment of the program.
Specialist learning tools will be available to better aid your application of the techniques taught including quick reference wall charts which will compliment a very comprehensive manual and full worked examples. This HR Management training course on Innovations in Workforce Planning, Organizational Development, Business Efficiency and Analysis offers an extremely high return on investment.

Organisational Impact

The ROI on this HR Management training seminar on Innovations in Workforce Planning, Organizational Development, Business Efficiency and Analysis will be achieved very shortly after delegates return from this program.
Specifically benefits you can expect include:
  • The new approach to workforce planning to add and show a measurable financial contribution to the organisation – each year
  • Predictive information will allow organisations to plan more effectively – the information produced will be better focused and easier to understand
  • The new approach to succession planning will add a new level of confidence to organisational continuity
  • Understanding the financial implication of lost time through whatever reason is a significant factor in new workforce management

Personal Impact

  • Master all the necessary skills to achieve mastery of New Workforce Planning
  • You will be able to show the value added of what you do in financial terms – almost unheard of in HR
  • Be a master of productivity measurement and prediction
  • Master the new approaches to effective and cost-effective succession planning that will have a significant positive impact on the organisation
  • Many of the old formulas used by old type Manpower planning departments simply don’t work – those attending will be armed with the latest and most practical – thus saving significant management time. All delegates will be able to have the skills and knowledge to carry out a right sizing exercise if required

Who Should Attend?

This HR Management training program on Innovations in Workforce Planning, Organizational Development, Business Efficiency and Analysis is specifically targeted for anyone who is responsible for organisational design, forecasting or producing workforce-planning information. CFO’s and CEO’s would also benefit for find out the new techniques to maximize the Human Resource. 
  • HR Personnel
  • Those responsible for providing workforce data
  • Strategic Planners
  • Succession Planners
  • Organizational Development Professionals
  • CEO’s and Directors
  • Department Heads
  • Anyone interested in the measurement of the Human Resource
  • Those interested in transforming HR into a profit center
  • Graduates on management development programs
  • Personnel who are involved in either workforce planning, HR Analytics, organisational design or planning or succession planning who wish to significantly upgrade their skills and knowledge

Training Outline

From Strategy to Organisational Design and Working Ratios

  •  Introductions and Our Program Objectives
  • The Key Difference between Manpower Planning and New Workforce Planning
  • The Importance of a Strategic Approach in Workforce Planning
  • The Use of the Organisational Maturity Tool - How to predict change
  • The Critical Inputs of Workforce Planning
  • How Organisations are Designed
  • The Current Types of Organizational Design
  • Innovations in Reporting Ratios – What the future holds including the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Our Role in Organisational Productivity

  • Collecting The Information
  • Understanding The Ingredients – Competency and How to Measure It?
  • Understanding and Measurement of Performance Information
  • Reliability – What is it? How to Measure and Improve It?
  • Measurement of Reliability – New Tools – Great Results
  • The Value of Time and People - Essential Calculations and Information

Trends Correlations and Useful New Formulas

  • What are Trends?
  • Correlations
  • Trend Information For Growth
  • Trend Information For Contraction
  • Formulas That Work – How to Calculate Accurate Turn Over and Cohort Analysis

Downsizing, Rightsizing & Workflow Management

  • What is the Difference between Downsizing and Rightsizing?
  • Techniques For Rightsizing
  • Downsizing The Organisation
  • Calculating the Value of Rightsizing
  • Using Workflow Management to Improve Efficiency
  • How much can you improve productivity by?
  • Making The Financial Case – What is the added value here?

The Workforce Planning Dashboard – Business Process Mapping, Succession and Emergency Planning, A New Look at Pay and Rewards

  • Understand The Value of Workforce Planning Dashboard
  • Importance of Staff Satisfaction
  • Why do we need Business Process Mapping?
  • What it has to offer?
  • How to Draw Business Process Maps & Calculate The Value of Improvement
  • Emergency Planning –For People
  • A New Approach to Critical Succession Planning - Transform Your Succession Planning Approach Using The New Approaches and Identify What’s Best For Your Organisation
  • Techniques to Fit People into The Right Job –Latest Psychological Approaches
  • Innovations in Pay and Rewards Using a Hopper System and Other New Approaches

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Catatan :
Pelatihan ini dapat di-customized sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan Anda bila diselenggarakan dalam bentuk In-House Training. Untuk permintaan In-House Training dengan jenis topik lainya, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat email yang tercantum di web kami.
Request Training. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi pelatihan yang belum tercantum pada website ini, atau anda ingin memberikan usulan materi yang sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan perusahaan anda, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat emailyang tercantum.
Bila tidak ada tanggal dan waktu atau yang tercantum sudah kadaluarsa didalam artikel mohon tanyakan kepada kami untuk jadwal terbarunya.
Peserta bisa mengajukan Tanggal Pelatihan / Training selain yang tertera pada silabus penawaran.
Venue : di Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.  (dengan harga dan minimal kuota yang berbeda)
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