Training Managing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Training Managing Service Quality  and Customer Satisfaction
Customers always were the life-blood of any enterprise. The rise of Internet technologies and especially Social Media has re-shaped the entire business environment, destroying many traditional points of Strategic Differentiation and making the Customer Experience, the central point of their Strategy. The Customer Experience is the last sustainable Strategic Battleground.  To survive in this New World, companies must use skills, tools and techniques to ensure the Customer’s Experience is front and centre in their proposition.
The strategic goal for any enterprise must be to understand what the customer decides is quality and then to be able to produce and deliver that quality in a consistent, cost-effective manner.
In this training course, you will:
  • Learn about Customer Service and Quality Management Tools
  • Learn how to improve Customer Satisfaction
  • Improve your People Skills
  • Learn how to Proactively Manage and Control Expectations
  • Develop tools and models to enable you to consistently deliver a high-quality product or service to both internal and external customers.
  • Understand how to thrive in this new world of SEO, Social Media and Instant, ‘Always on’ peer-review.
  • Directors and those responsible for Profitable growth within the Organization.
  • All business professionals in customer facing positions or with specific responsibilities for Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
  • Personnel new to the role, as well as more experienced officers seeking to examine and enhance their service quality and customer satisfaction skills
  • Marketing professionals looking for a compelling strategic edge in the market
  • Team leaders looking to relate to their teams and to higher management
  • Describe how to use Quality Management tools and methods
  • Build strong customer relationships
  • Help influence and set customer expectations
  • Measure their own degree of customer focus and be able to apply a variety of methods to get closer to the customer
  • Implement improved people skills to enhance customer service
  • Improve service to internal customers as well as external customers
  • Use skills to build effective relationships
  • Develop Strategies and Skills for harnessing Internet and Social Media tools to create and maintain meaningful and sustainable relationships with Customers
The Managing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction training course will be highly participative and will include a wide range of methods including presentations, discussions, videos, case studies and exercises. We will look at examples of Global Best Practices in the use of Social Media tools and tactics in Customer Relationship Management.  Where appropriate, these will include real issues brought to the training course by delegates.
After completing the Managing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction training course, delegates will be equipped with the tools, models, skills and confidence to improve and enhance current practices, develop new processes and monitor their success.
This training course will help delegates become customer service champions and equip them with the appropriate confidence, skills and tools to turn any department into a world-class service provider and the envy of all other internal customers.
Introducing Quality Management and Customer Services
  • Introduction to Quality Management
  • The history of Quality in business
  • Basic Quality concepts
  • What is it that Customers want?
  • How can we calculate the total cost of Quality?
  • Customer satisfaction is a perception and can be managed
  • Setting customer expectations
  • Changing internal perceptions
  • Getting closer to customers, understanding value
  • Understanding customer needs and expectations
  • Commitment starts at the top of the organisation
Service Quality Tools & Techniques
  • Five steps to Effective Quality Management
  • Beginning with measurement
  • Then we need methods of Control
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Service Quality Tools and Techniques
  • Tools and approach to be used to include
    • Integrated Quality Management Systems
    • ISO
    • Balanced Scorecard
    • Six Sigma
    • Questionnaires
    • Pareto Analysis
    • Nominal Group Technique
    • Cause and Effect Analysis
    • Solution Effect Analysis
    • Selection Grid
Managing Customer Expectations
  • Exceeding customer expectations every time
  • Determining how to exceed expectations
  • It’s the little things that matter – increased satisfaction at minimal cost
  • Asking for feedback on performance
  • Ongoing evaluation of effectiveness to ensure satisfaction
  • Maximise the value you deliver
  • Understanding different customer styles
People Skills to Deliver Excellent Customer Service
  • Back to basics – communicating with our customers
  • Identify Listening Styles for you and your customer
  • Building Rapport
  • Influencing skills
  • Persuasion techniques
  • Dealing with Difficult Customers
  • Understanding Customer Behaviours
  • Understanding where Anger comes from
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence
Operating Virtually & Making it Happen
  • Best Practices in using Social Media
  • Search Engine Optimization Masterclass
  • Using the tools, models and techniques discussed so far in 2 case studies
    • A Real-Life case study (in small teams)
    • Your own work situation (in same-company groups or alone)
  • Producing a Plan of Action to take back to the office
  • How to improve customer satisfaction in 5 quick steps
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training ( Harga, Waktu dan Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.

Public dan In House Training / Bimtek / Pelatihan/ Seminar / Workshop. 
Cp : Call/WA : +62815 8512 8512 
Telp (0274) 381969 

atau Silahkan isi Form Request Training disebelah kanan.

Dengan Format :
Nama, Email anda, Judul Training Lengkap, Bulan dan Tahun Penyelenggaraan 
atau langsung ke WA kami : Klik disini

Lokasi Training Pilihan : di Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, 
Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, 
Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.  (dengan harga dan minimal kuota yang berbeda)
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