Training History Matching and Reservoir Optimization

Course Description

This course is designed to cover techniques to incorporate production data into high-resolution reservoir models using conventional and fast flow simulation techniques such as streamline models. Both assisted history matching and automatic history matching techniques will be covered and pros and cons of the methods will be discussed. The production data can be in the form of pressure transient test, tracer test, multiphase production history or interpreted 4-D seismic information. Field examples will be presented to illustrate the current state of the art and limitations. PC-based computer programs will be used to provide hands-on experience with the various techniques.

Course Objectives

  • Recognizing the difficulties and sources of error in history matching
  • Applying theory of streamlines and streamline-assisted history matching for waterflooding
  • Using learnings from case studies for a systematic procedure for history matching
  • Recognizing new and ongoing developments in history matching
  • Using commercial tools for history matching

Who Should Attend?

  • Practicing geoscientists
  • Engineers performing geologic modeling, reservoir simulation, and optimization studies

Course Details/Schedule

  • History Matching - Overview and State of the Art
  • Workflows
  • Review of Reservoir Simulation Equations
  • Reservoir Simulation: Background and Exercises
  • Streamline Simulation: Overview
  • Mathematical Background
  • Applications
  • Streamline-based History Matching
  • Exercises
  • History Matching: Mathematical Background
  • Practical Considerations
  • Assisted History Matching with Streamlines
  • Field Applications
  • Exercises
  • Global-Local Workflow
  • Multiscale History Matching with Grid Coarsening
  • Experimental Design and Surrogate Models
  • Exercise: Experimental Design
  • Case Study: History Matching and Well Placement Optimization
  • Case Study: Static Model Building for History Matching
  • Upscaling for History Matching
  • History Matching: New Developments
  • Discussion and Wrap-up
  • Workshop Conclusions