Training Reservoir Optimization

Course Description

This is a “hands on” workshop where participants will be able to apply engineering principals in a real world scenario.  The reservoir will be developed through multiple phases – initial primary production, development through workover candidate and infill drilling, final primary production, and secondary recovery through waterflooding. 
Participants will make reservoir engineering decisions involving field development.  Then, they will workover existing wells and drill new wells in order to improve field recovery.  A limited budget will be given in order to perform economic evaluations and prioritize future work programs.  The goal of the workshop is for engineers to apply engineering processes and systems in a real-world environment.  The result will be enhanced reservoir performance.  This knowledge will then be taken back to the workplace and used in day-to-day use of the Oilfield Manager.

Course Objectives

  • Discussing on reservoir familiarization and evaluation
  • Learning to estimate volumetric OOIP using grip mapping techniques
  • Using engineering tools and processes in order to evaluate reservoir performance
  • Developing a list of potential workover candidates and infill drilling locations
  • Using advanced reporting and mapping for additional workover candidate selection

Who Should Attend?

  • OilField Managers
  • Petroleum engineers
  • Technical/ reservoir engineers
  • Processing engineers

Course Details/Schedule

  • Initial Primary Recovery I
  • Reservoir familiarization
  • Advanced mapping tools
  • Reservoir evaluation
  • Log visualization and analysis
  • Calculating volumetric OOIP
  • Initial Primary Recovery II
  • Production phase familiarization
  • Workover candidate recognition
  • Evaluating reservoir performance
  • Advanced decline curve analysis
  • Initial Field Development
  • Well volumetric drainage radius
  • Horizontal well analysis
  • Workover follow-up
  • Capital efficiency and operational risk
  • Mature Primary Recovery and Initial Secondary Recovery
  • Additional workover candidate recognition
  • Waterflooding pilot analysis
  • Secondary recovery feasibility
  • Mature Secondary Recovery
  • Waterflood evaluation
  • Surveillance
  • Techniques for water injection performance